SOS - Signs of Suicide
SOS – Signs of Suicide Program
Middle and high schools across the country use SOS Signs of Suicide to educate students about suicide prevention and identify students in need. SOS has shown a reduction in self-reported suicide attempts by 40-64% in randomized controlled studies.
Through a video and guided discussion, students learn to identify warning signs of suicide and depression in a single class period. At the end of the session, students complete a seven-question screening for depression (anonymous or signed – the school can decide) to further encourage help-seeking and connect students at risk with trusted adults. The curriculum raises awareness about behavioral health and encourages students to ACT (Acknowledge, Care, Tell) when worried about themselves or their peers.
SOS reaches the people students are most likely to turn to in a time of crisis – their friends. All students are equipped to ACT if they are experiencing a behavioral health crisis or are thinking about suicide. Teachers and school staff also receive training to support students in need while reaching out to parents and community members as partners in prevention.

Signs of Suicide relies on scientifically-acquired results that demonstrate the program is achieving its stated goals. Researchers used randomized controlled trials – the “gold standard” of research studies – to determine that this program reduces suicide attempts by 40-64%!
The Evidence
Evaluating the SOS suicide prevention program: A replication and extension